Indiana Spirit of '45
A 501c3 non-profit organization Fed. EIN 47-3227931

Honoring Our Nation's Heroes
Since 2010

Email: Spiritof45_Indiana@yahoo.com
Since the founding of our organization in 2010 we have watched our "Greatest Generation" pass on at an alarming rate of one every ninety seconds and have strived to pass on their "Spirit" of Unity, Courage, Selflessness and Strength on to our state, community and nation. At the same time we are also moving our focus to insure that our Korea, Vietnam, Cold War and those currently serving are being honored in the same way that our WWII generation is honored.
We now have five buglers in our area, ready and willing to sound Live Taps for Military Honors, memorial services, national holidays and private services where the sounding of Taps is authorized. Looking towards our future we will be looking to add an Honor Guard to our organization due to the fact that so many surrounding communities are losing their Guards due to a lack of funds and/or volunteers.
Since December of 2012 we have carried on the weekly tradition of "Taps on the Square" to honor the lives, service and sacrifice of those who served and passed on the previous week. The ceremony began as a call went out to buglers nationwide to sound Taps for seven days at seven o'clock to honor the memory of the twenty-six precious lives taken during the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. On the last day a member of our community asked to have Taps sounded in memory of a loved one who passed...Taps on the Square began that evening and has continued every Friday evening, regardless of Weather Conditions.

Our most important program is our "BATTLE BUDDY' Support Group, which meets every second and fourth Wednesday each month. Our Men and Women who have served and are serving may leave the combat zone but are still fighting their own battles when they return, whether it is PTSD, depression, adjustment to civilian life or one of the many other issues affecting our Veterans. We accept everyone equally, regardless of race, age, gender or era served. We've had each other's six before, we still have it now because in our Veteran family...NO ONE FIGHTS THE DEMON ALONE! Beginning in February 2024 we added our "SPOUSE SUPPORT GROUP" for the spouses and loved ones of those battling the demons of the past. Everyone is welcome to our family

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency has been recovering and accounting for our POW/MIA Soldiers since 2005 and returning their remains home to their families. We proudly produce tributes to say WELCOME HOME to our Heroes and post them for the world to see. Our Tributes are free to download and share...the price has been paid by those we Honor and Remember.
Click on the icon for each year to view the 'TRIBUTES TO OUR FALLEN"
Indiana Spirit of '45 programs and events are solely supported by donations of those who wish to see them carried on. If you wish to support us please click on the "DONATE" button, or through our Venmo QR code, located below. Your donations are tax deductible.

A 501c3 non-profit organization Fed. EIN 47-3227931